– of some of my own stuff, but mostly quotations and ressources I pick up from others in books, academic journals or online texts. Items used to be situated in the intersection of policy, philosophy of technology and educational ICT – now the website is more focused on issues of sustainability, reflecting new research interests.
Displayed mostly uncommented, in random order and in different languages (EN | DA | FR).
En opsamling på et pilotprojekt om tendenser og dilemmaer Ambitionen er at give et overblik over et ellers uoverskueligt landskab af tilgange til bæredygtighed og at lære af…
I’m not saying that digital technologies can’t be used for learning; in fact, if these tools were only ever employed for learning purposes, then they may have proven some of…
In four years, consumption of electricity in Denmark has risen from 128.000 Mwh to 518.005 Mwh (about the same as the average consumption of 113.000 households with two…
Screens in schools haven’t proven to be more effective than traditional methods. Instead, they may be contributing to academic and social-emotional challenges, while displacing the human connection students…
Interview til P1-morgen om min nye bog – minut 1”59”00 her: https://www.dr.dk/lyd/p1/p1-morgen/p1-morgen-2024/p1-morgen-11802433353 P.S. Det var ikke min ide at overskriften skulle være at digitaliseringen er et “bluffnummer”.
Den 22. August udkom min bog om de forskellige taktikker som forskellige aktører benytter sig af, for at beskytte sig mod digitaliseringens negative effekter på forhold som fx…
Sammen med Jan Johansson har jeg skrevet “Det gode forskningsprojekt – som led i lektorkvalificering på professionshøjskoler og erhvervsakademier“. Bogen kan forudbestilles på Akademisk Forlag. Nedenfor kan du…
This volume assembles a diverse collection of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical chapters, each offering unique perspectives on the complex interplay between digitalisation and sustainability. A common thread running…
– Samtalen er nokså schizofren no, for vi har fått ein tydeleg kritisk debatt om dei mest synlege problema ved digitaliseringa, som gjeld barn og smarttelefonar. Det blir…
Abstract: The paper explores the potential to stimulate more socially sustainable practices in the professional field of user experience design. We argue that the endeavour is mandated by…
Indlægget kan findes her Hvor er det godt at du er begyndt at interessere dig for disconnection-studies! Det er på tide at man begynder at forholde sig metodisk…