– of some of my own stuff, but mostly quotations and ressources I pick up from others in books, academic journals or online texts. Items used to be situated in the intersection of policy, philosophy of technology and educational ICT – now the website is more focused on issues of sustainability, reflecting new research interests.
Displayed mostly uncommented, in random order and in different languages (EN | DA | FR).
Internet connectivity was strongly associated with mean reading performance at the system level. High-performing countries and economies tended to have more school computers (those available to 15-year-olds for educational…
Our core message is that when we look at both the past and present, the technology has been a great deal like the emperor’s new clothes—while the gadgetry…
Eleverne er presset, hvad angår deres sociale trivsel. Knap halvdelen siger, at de ikke føler sig glade. Næsten alle (92%) savner deres venner og kammerater og næsten lige…
Til trods for at både undervisere og studerende har gjort sig positive erfaringer med online undervisning, opleves der fortsat en række kommunikative, sociale og praktiske begrænsninger i det…
The majority of educators report that the COVID-19 lockdown has caused a decline in the teaching quality and in students’ performances. At the same time, educators have spent…
…clearly demonstrates that, on average:– Online education is the fastest-growing segment of higher education and its growth is overrepresented in the for-profit sector.– A wide range of audiences…
It har et stort potentiale i forhold til mange af de proces- og strukturelementer, der kendetegner god undervisning og samarbejde herom, fx portefølje,videndeling, målstyring, evaluering og en tydelig…
Undersøgelsen af læremidlerne og deres anvendelse i udvalgte klasser peger på en række potentialer, som der i praksis åbnes mere eller mindre for på skolerne ved den aktuelle…
There is thus a strong methodological case for emphasizing the need to assign explicitly evaluative weights to different components of quality of life (or of well-being) and then…