– of some of my own stuff, but mostly quotations and ressources I pick up from others in books, academic journals or online texts. Items used to be situated in the intersection of policy, philosophy of technology and educational ICT – now the website is more focused on issues of sustainability, reflecting new research interests.
Displayed mostly uncommented, in random order and in different languages (EN | DA | FR).
Nye teknologier deler en række grundlæggende fællestræk med teknologi, der ikke fungerer. […] Ved nærmere eftertanke indser man dog let, at selve potentialet for en teknologi kan være…
…the third step towards a postphenomenology. It is the step away from generalizations about technologies überhaupt and a step into the examination of technologies in their particularities. It…
Phenomenology has become a viable approach to conducting qualitative research in education. Established and popular methods include descriptive and hermeneutic phenomenology. Based on critiques of the essentialism and…