Phenomenology has become a viable approach to conducting qualitative research in education. Established and popular methods include descriptive and hermeneutic phenomenology. Based on critiques of the essentialism and receptivity of these methods, however, this article offered a new phenomenological research method: Postphenomenology. This approach springs from a philosophy of technology that highlights the importance of technological mediation of everyday experience: Technologies transform our perceptions (amplify/reduce) and translate our actions (invite/inhibit). By philosophically fusing multistability (as opposed to essentialism) and reflexivity (as opposed to receptivism) with an experiential sensitivity to materiality, postphenomenology not only constitutes a step forward compared to its phenomenological predecessors, it also fills a void left by other new materialist approaches: It allows us to study human–technology relations ‘from within’ the human perspective.
jesper aagaard
Aagaard, J. (2017). Introducing postphenomenological research: a brief and selective sketch of phenomenological research methods. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 30(6), 519–533. https://doi.org/10.1080/09518398.2016.1263884
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