Category: 21st century skills
Software and social robots that are fed constant streams of data have the greatest disruption potential for teaching and learning: it’s not just technology, it’s teachology. While we…
…social and emotional capabilities and creativity stand out as most resistant to machine-based competition. Bjarne Corydon et al. Corydon, B., Staun, J., Bughin, J., Andersen, J. R., Lüneburg,…
I view Mindstorms and Crickets as Froebel’s Gifts for the 21st century, using new technologies to extend the kindergarten approach to learners of all ages. Unfortunately, they are the…
Kompetencen til at tænke kritisk om konkrete problemstillinger bygger dels på færdighederne analyse og vurdering, begrundet argumentation, og problemløsning, dels på viden om den konkrete problemstilling eller fag-område….