Companies and designers should recognize and explore children’s understanding of their well-being further in their own local contexts and design play experiences (content, stories, tasks) that reflect children’s understanding. Recommendations for industry include:

– Design age-appropriate play experiences, aligning content with specific ages of children and stages in their development. 
– Design diverse forms of play that allow all children the freedom to pursue their preferred play style. 
– Explore forms of hybrid digital–physical play that require children to engage their body actively in physical and even tiring ways. 
– Strive to incorporate (voluntary) social connection into play experiences, making play with others easier and more accessible. 
– Integrate parents into the play experience, fostering parent–child play, parent education initiatives, and parent–child discussions about appropriateness. 
– Pay attention to cultural context, employing awareness and sensitivity around gender, religious and other norms, which may also be carefully challenged. 
– Build products that are accessible, especially for low- and middle-income contexts, being mindful of internet access, data costs, advertizing, in-game currency and pricing.
– Invest in further cross-sectoral research in relation to the impact of digital technology on children and committing to share data, outputs and findings publicly.


Unicef. (2022). Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children.