Tag: 2011

There are no two cultures

When you go to a conference or a talk on humanities and technology, you always hear people quoting C.P. Snow’s thesis that in modern society there has been…

Wrong drivers

I hate to sound like a broken twitter but no other successful country became good through using technology at the front end. Without pedagogy in the driver’s seat…

Blossom to enrich our cultures

In short, we are in a position to discover learning methods and experiences that are deeply engaging, and that I am going to say easier to accomplish because…

Multimodal potentiale

Forsøgsprojekterne viser således to forskellige muligheder for at øge elevernes faglige udbytte via brugen af teknologi: – Faglig inklusion: En række teknologier og organiseringsformer, der tillader elever, der…

Bruge teknologi kreativt og kritisk

En bedre brug af it skal også understøtte øget inklusion af elever med særlige behov i den almindelige undervisning i folkeskolen. Digitaliseringen gør det muligt at lære på…

Bred anerkendelse

Der er bred anerkendelse af, at menneskers optimale måde at lære på er meget forskellige, men i den danske skoleverden kniber det med at anvende it til at…

A Resource for Future Pedagogies

This review shows that much of the literature supports the use of the IWBs, but does so on very flimsy evidence. The more rigorous studies that have been…


Deliberate practice, operationally defined as studying and memorizing words while alone, better predicted performance in the National Spelling Bee than being quizzed by others or reading for pleasure….

Déclencheurs de rêves

Les textes littéraires sont donc des déclencheurs de rêves éveillés, qui permettent de faire un retour sur, de prolonger, d’accompagner ou de préparer l’action. Loin d’être une activité…

World class

While the discourse of myth is about the denial or destruction of the past, the discourse of meaninglessness is about the ultimate in collateral damage: the destruction of…

Fuzzy semantics

In this article I have suggested that the grammatical ambiguity and logical fallacies entailed in the concept of technology are linked with a fetishistic perception of modern artefacts….

Innovation studies

…this paper seeks to identify the core contributions to the literature on innovation, as well as the users of this literature (as reflected in citations in scholarly journals),…

Impact on learning

Yet achieving any degree of confidence or certainty over a discernable ‘cause-and-effect’ relationship between technology and learning is nigh on impossible. Put simply, it has proved tremendously difficult…


When I was working as a computer scientist, I was sometimes astonished by how fast we have been moving, especially when you listened to the grant rhetorics of…