Tag: neil selwyn


This points toward drastically curtailing the energy and resource demands associated with the production and consumption of digital technologies in the pursuit of lifelong learning. The environmental costs…

Technology’s origins

Skinner is such a fascinating person … a fascinating/terrifying person.  I’ve spent the last couple of years spending way too much time thinking about behaviourism and thinking about Skinner’s…

Blossom to enrich our cultures

In short, we are in a position to discover learning methods and experiences that are deeply engaging, and that I am going to say easier to accomplish because…

Delrapport 1 (EMU)

Lærerne oplevede især, at platformen medførte en standardiseret tilgang til undervisning, fordi den var designet ud fra best practice-eksempler. Snarere end at understøtte professionel frihed og dømmekraft oplevede…

Selling tech to teachers: education trade shows as policy events

Digital technology is an expanding area of education policy. There is growing interest, therefore, in how networks of corporate and state policy actors implicit in the formation of…

Evidence of a potential, Ph.D. thesis

Abstract: Along with the popularization of digital technologies in education from the early 1980s, there has been a practice of evaluating the effects of educational technology on educational…

Acting on the belief

The meaningful question isn’t whether these technologies work as advertised. It’s whether someone believes that they do, and acts on that belief. Adam Greenfield Quoted in Selwyn, N….


On the other hand, while this is a field that likes to talk continuously about learning, it is striking how little of substance is said on the topic….


…curriculum reform programs, including reports, curriculum and pedagogical guidance, manifestoes, pamphlets, articles, and essays, as well as websites, infographics, diagrams, interactive devices, and other multimedia. These ‘inscriptions’ are…

Impact on learning

Yet achieving any degree of confidence or certainty over a discernable ‘cause-and-effect’ relationship between technology and learning is nigh on impossible. Put simply, it has proved tremendously difficult…