We suggest setting up a nationwide workforce plan in which expected needs are broken down in detail and expected necessary skills forecast. In Denmark, the public debate indicates an increasing need to focus on STEM subjects and encourage interest in such majors. The primary and secondary educational curriculum should be adapted to ensure a future supply of needed skills and talents – more significant and comprehensive than just adding coding to the curriculum. Such initiatives could include new digitally enabled educational themes such as adaptive and blended learning, performance based individualized learning paths supported by AI, increased use of global educational platforms, and flipped classrooms, leveraging the use of digital to enhance student performance and increase learning.

Emanuelle Alm, Niclas Colliander, GUstav Gotteberg, Fredrik Lind, Ville Stohne & Oluf Sundström

Alm, E., Collinder, N., Gotteberg, G., Lind, F., Stohne, V., & Sundström, O. (2016). Digitizing Denmark. Boston Consulting Group.