Category: Science

The Ambivalences of the Digital

The educational policy and educational science discourse on teaching, learning, and digitization is largely dominated by media education, IT (learning media) development, and quantitatively oriented empirical educational research….

Where is the theory?

Critics often characterise the study of educational technology as under-theorised. To test this assertion and to determine the extent of this criticism, the present paper reports an in-depth…

L’orgueil des décideurs

En ce sens, le système se présente comme la machine avant-gardiste qui tire l’humanité après elle, en la déshumanisant pour la réhumaniser à un autre niveau de capacité…


What all this makes clear is that, in some significant respects, the evidence-based practice movement is anti-professional: it challenges the claims of professional practitioners – whether doctors, teachers,…

Tre analytiske distinktioner

Det er i dette lys, jeg foreslår, at vi introducerer tre analytiske distinktioner i forhold til evidensdiskursen: En skelnen mellem evidensbaseret og evidensinformeret viden gør det muligt at…

Debris of theories

Science is no more immune to conceptual error and confusion than any other forms of intellectual endeavour. The history of science is littered with the debris of theories…

Certainty trough

One way of approaching this might be in terms of the relationships between trust in the future and different actors’ proximity to the actual scientific work. In other…

Fuzzy semantics

In this article I have suggested that the grammatical ambiguity and logical fallacies entailed in the concept of technology are linked with a fetishistic perception of modern artefacts….


The problem isn’t the scientific description or analysis of presence-at-hand per se; Heidegger is not anti-science. The problem is scientism, the view that science gives us the whole…

This-worldly conception

Phenomenology endorses a this-worldly conception of objectivity and reality and seeks to overcome the scepticism that argues that the way the world appears to us is compatible with…

Cognitive detour

Perhaps modern science has succeeded to well. It has become difficult for us to recognize that much of our being does not have a cognitive and representational aspect….