Tag: AI
– Samtalen er nokså schizofren no, for vi har fått ein tydeleg kritisk debatt om dei mest synlege problema ved digitaliseringa, som gjeld barn og smarttelefonar. Det blir…
Software and social robots that are fed constant streams of data have the greatest disruption potential for teaching and learning: it’s not just technology, it’s teachology. While we…
On the one hand, high levels of demotivation, passive attitudes, boredom, poor engagement and frustration among the students are specifically identified in this category. Examples of studies that…
The key issues arising from the mapping of commercialisation and privatisation of education in the context of Covid-19 point to a number of urgent research priorities: • Studies…
We suggest setting up a nationwide workforce plan in which expected needs are broken down in detail and expected necessary skills forecast. In Denmark, the public debate indicates…
Si ces analyses semblent encore pertinentes, c’est parce que le capitalisme des plateformes a abondamment recours à la même vieille ruse qu’utilisaient les propriétaires manufacturiers du siècle passé:…
Based on the combination of these models with data analytics and machine learning processes, Pearson’s proposed vision of AIed includes the development of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) which…
“The best model of the world is the world itself.” rodney Brooks (quoted by hubert l. dreyfus) Dreyfus, H. L. (2013). Why Heideggerian AI Failed and How Fixing…
A list compiled by the CITRIS Policy Lab at CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, UC Berkeley.