Category: Economy
…social and emotional capabilities and creativity stand out as most resistant to machine-based competition. Bjarne Corydon et al. Corydon, B., Staun, J., Bughin, J., Andersen, J. R., Lüneburg,…
Deloitte har indsamlet en række nøgletal og informationer om størrelsen på markedet for digitale læremidler. Baseret på disse nøgletal estimeres det groft, at der anvendes i størrelsesordenen 30-60…
Hvor mange midler har den danske stat og kommuner brugt på digitalisering af skole, dagtilbud og uddannelser (og på initiativer til IT-pædagogisk oprustning)? Herunder, løbende dokumentation: – I…
Das hohe dänische Tempo bei der Digitalisierung habe seinen Preis, betont auch Jesper Balslev, Lektor an der Kopenhagener Akademie für Design und Technologie. Seiner Meinung nach grenzt die…
Inden for det pædagogiske felt er der nogle steder skepsis over for potentialerne i digitale adaptive læringsmidler og en bekymring for hvilken rolle underviseren efterlades ved udbredt brug…
The creation of a standardised market for online publics and its expansion to the long tail of the Web; the quantification of engagement through metrics of clicking and…
Digital labor designates value-adding activities performed by humans on Internet platforms. As a field of study, it focuses on circumstances where employer–employee relationships and modes of remuneration are…
Tracing back growth to a single, new technology suffers from severe measurement problems The limited number of observations relative to the seemingly open-ended list of other potential growth…
Weightless and intangible, it can easily travel the world, enlightening the lives of people everywhere. Yet billions of people still live in the darkness of poverty—unnecessarily. Knowledge about…
The same problem arises in relation to the information society. The ‘information highways’ to which young people and even children will have increasingly easier access, could well find…
The productivity paradox refers to the slowdown in productivity growth in the United States in the 1970s and 80s despite rapid development in the field of information technology (IT) over the same period.
The literature that discusses this feature of public discourse travels under the rubric of agnotology. It is not the study of ignorance and doubt under all their manifestations,…
It is important to understand how this refracted the very notion of radical ignorance as a natural state of being for humankind in the later political economy of…
Plus rien n’est signe, tout est signal. Plus rien n’est chose, tout est état. Plus rien n’est esprit, tout est communication. Par moments, quand la vie n’est pas…
This chapter moves on from where the last left off. Here we look again into the world of multinational edu-business and begin to explore the buying and selling…
Distribution costs include the need to constantly post new content, since the volume of new content is a large factor for stickiness. Distribution costs include site design, and…
Baumol’s Cost Disease is the inevitable escalation of the real costs that occur in labour-intensive industries like the arts, health care and education. The labour costs in these…
Med udbredelsen af globale sammenligninger af de nationale skole- og uddannelsespræstationer i regi af transnationale organisationer som OECD, UNESCO, IEA og EU er der opstået en art pædagogisk…
There is thus a strong methodological case for emphasizing the need to assign explicitly evaluative weights to different components of quality of life (or of well-being) and then…
The implications from these findings suggest that we should not expect large positive (or negative) impacts from ICT investments in schools or computers at home. Schools should not…
Det samlede effektiviseringspotentiale per lærer for henholdsvis forberedelse og opgaveevaluering er beregnet ved at gange procentsatsen for henholdsvis anvendelsesgrad og tidsmæssig besparelse. Dette giver for eksempelvis podcast et…
Goodhart’s law is an adage named after economist Charles Goodhart, which has been phrased by Marilyn Strathern as “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.”[1]One way…