Category: Article

Do make me think – towards an integrated model for sustainable UX design

Abstract: The paper explores the potential to stimulate more socially sustainable practices in the professional field of user experience design. We argue that the endeavour is mandated by…

Towards digital disconnection

The emergence of the field of digital disconnection studies could offer novel approaches to understanding the relationship between education and technology. Our hypothesis is that digital disconnection literature…

Could feminist scholarship?

Feminist scholarship could make a crucial contribution to the (until now) predominantly male computer culture by promoting recognition of the diverse ways that people think about and appropriate…

Solving the 2-sigma problem

Adaptive technologies seek to provide equal opportunities and fulfill student needs through hyperpersonalization (McRae, 2013). A complete mapping of student data creates complete transparency of the learner and…

Higher Ed’s Dark Secret

The proof of that is in the pudding. In general, completely online programs, especially those in the for-profit sector, have had poor earnings outcomes.11 In 2019, research by George…

Lack of motivation

This lack of motivation was linked to contextual issues which included: family obligations, e.g., looking after siblings or helping out at home or on the farm; distractions like…

Computing the nordic way

The societal desire for a computerised future intensified after the Second World War (and has effectively not diminished since). This desire, and the related imaginary, is often based…

Ready-made remedy

We have no wish to denigrate or criticize online distance education, but rather, the aim of this brief editorial is twofold. First, we want to raise a series…

Algorithmic world view

The rapid shift to online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the penetration of an algorithmic world view into education systems around the world. Promoted…

A more convincing base

My primary objective is to provide a more convincing base from which such discussions could be better pursued. However, it is clear that the dramatic skills shifts I…

Unplugged approaches

In today’s highly digitalized world, we often associate computational problem-solving processes with the use of computers. Yet, solving problems computationally by designing solutions and processing data is not…

Wrong drivers

I hate to sound like a broken twitter but no other successful country became good through using technology at the front end. Without pedagogy in the driver’s seat…

Hidden strategies

By making an implicit demarcation between the two concepts (your) ‘data’ and (collected) ‘information’ Google can disguise the presence of a business model for online marketing and, at…

Promissory data

As I realized that there was a lack of empirical support for The Graphic, I took the opportunity during a conference break to remark to a speechwriter for…

A Resource for Future Pedagogies

This review shows that much of the literature supports the use of the IWBs, but does so on very flimsy evidence. The more rigorous studies that have been…

Selling tech to teachers: education trade shows as policy events

Digital technology is an expanding area of education policy. There is growing interest, therefore, in how networks of corporate and state policy actors implicit in the formation of…

Educational amnesia

An accomplice for the continuing amnesia about the history of education is, surprisingly enough, educational research itself. Instead of asking – What do children need? What are our…


On the other hand, while this is a field that likes to talk continuously about learning, it is striking how little of substance is said on the topic….


Deliberate practice, operationally defined as studying and memorizing words while alone, better predicted performance in the National Spelling Bee than being quizzed by others or reading for pleasure….

Cognitive governance

Cognitive governance, according to Woodward, functions through the agreed values held by member nations and is a distinctive mode of influence of the OECD, as it does not…

Real life survey

More importantly still, the deeper issue of the actual feasibility of representing ‘real life’ problems in a survey format whilst retaining and not modifying the essential problem-setting characteristics…

Human-Focused Turing Tests

Four central themes of the broader project of which this article is a part are: – when does technology (automated systems) replace or diminish our humanity?– can we…


This disregard for ‘passivity’ is, in my view, a philosophical deficiency. In Gerd Biesta’s work, for instance, we find a recent emphasis on passivity. Biesta writes that learning…

Logic of Digital Utopianism

Utopias consider a given situation in the light of possible alternatives; as a result, observed reality first is subjected to an explicit or implicit critique and secondly depicted…

The Four-C model

Kaufman, J. C., Beghetto, R. A., Baer, J., & Ivcevic, Z. (2010). Creativity polymathy: What Benjamin Franklin can teach your kindergartener. Learning and Individual Differences, 20(4), 380–387.

Innovation studies

…this paper seeks to identify the core contributions to the literature on innovation, as well as the users of this literature (as reflected in citations in scholarly journals),…

That’s interesting!

QUESTION: How do theories which are generally considered interesting differ from theories which are generally considered non-interesting? ANSWER: Interesting theories are those which deny certain assumptions of their…

Three potentialities

In a range of texts—popular, scientific, anthropological—potentiality is used to denote very different things but tends to be employed with such straightforwardness that one hardly notices slippages in…

Institutional isomorphism

We ask, instead, why there is such startling homogeneity of organizational forms and practices; and we seek to explain homogeneity, not variation. In the initial stages of their…

Double bind

The necessary ingredients for a double bind situation, as we see it, are: 1. Two or more persons. Of these, we designate one, for purposes of our definition,…

Blindness in seeing

Should one have the ambition of scanning learning processes in situ and in actu in a school class for just one hour, it would not be enough to…


Over time, the selfsame ideologies become “hegemonic,” not because they change, but because circumstances change while the ideology becomes more and more concerned with its own preservation. What…