Category: Pedagogy
Their practice is very Silicon Valley–like. They preach data transparency but have none themselves,” says Jesper Balslev, a research consultant at the Copenhagen School of Design and Technology,…
While unguided or minimally-guided learning approaches are very popular and intuitively appealing, the point is made that evidence from empirical studies over the past half century consistently indicates…
The key issues arising from the mapping of commercialisation and privatisation of education in the context of Covid-19 point to a number of urgent research priorities: • Studies…
Skarpe distinktioner mellem at lære og læring: Skovmand, K., & Tanggaard, L. (2020). Hvad vi taler om, når vi taler om at lære. Hans Reitzel.
Den aktuelle didaktiske adfærd tjener ikke sjældent til at holde eleverne i ånde i undervisningen. Alt for ofte bliver de forkælet med aflastning i stedet for at blive…
Undersøgelsen af læremidlerne og deres anvendelse i udvalgte klasser peger på en række potentialer, som der i praksis åbnes mere eller mindre for på skolerne ved den aktuelle…
What this eclectic selection of passages essentially conveys is a conceptualization of reflection as a mode of thought that entails mulling over ideas that have no necessary connection…
On the other hand, while this is a field that likes to talk continuously about learning, it is striking how little of substance is said on the topic….
(3) Målet må altid udløse aktiviteter. Begrebet ‘mål i sigte‘ er suggestivt, fordi det præsenterer bevidstheden for afslutningen eller konklusionen på en proces. Den eneste måde, hvorpå vi…
I’m pretty happy to have gotten this website up and running. It has become a cognitive prosthetic of great value to me – first of all because I…
To understand the development of knowledge we must start with an idea which seems central to me – the idea of an operation. Knowledge is not a copy…
April 2018 Kritik af den digitale fornuft i uddannelse handler om digitaliseringen af vores samfund, som den har udfoldet sig i de seneste årtier især inden for uddannelsesområdet. Bogen…
This disregard for ‘passivity’ is, in my view, a philosophical deficiency. In Gerd Biesta’s work, for instance, we find a recent emphasis on passivity. Biesta writes that learning…
Med udbredelsen af globale sammenligninger af de nationale skole- og uddannelsespræstationer i regi af transnationale organisationer som OECD, UNESCO, IEA og EU er der opstået en art pædagogisk…
Well, of course I am not my brain – for my brain is certainly not married, not a psychiatrist, and it has no children. Even worse, it does…
Dannelsens første moment bliver i de grundlæggende tekster defineret ved følgende begreber: selvbestemmelse, frihed, emancipation, autonomi, myndighed, fornuft, selvvirksomhed. Dannelse forstås altså som evne til fornuftig selvbestemmelse, der…
Should one have the ambition of scanning learning processes in situ and in actu in a school class for just one hour, it would not be enough to…
Over time, the selfsame ideologies become “hegemonic,” not because they change, but because circumstances change while the ideology becomes more and more concerned with its own preservation. What…