Tag: 2019
We examine the work that these imaginaries do for projects such as OLPC by evoking deeply held feelings about the value of (certain types of) play, creativity, and…
This paper will explore some of the pressing issues regarding children’s use of technology. For example, do outcomes depend on the quality of media consumed, or is all…
Digitale teknologier indeholder et potentiale for udfoldelse af børn, unge og voksnes kreativitet og virkelyst. Ved at sætte fokus på digitalt design og elevernes kreative processer med at…
A bit off-topic (digitization of the welfare state), but an interesting choice of words, considering the type of publication: The digital welfare state is either already a reality…
Det er meget nemt at indtage en kritisk position over for et projekt af Aulas størrelse og kompleksitet, når man ikke er inde i forholdene: kravspecifikationer som formuleret…
Paper presented at a master class with Evan Selinger at the university of Roskilde in 2019. For the last four decades, political institutions have made a dramatic push…
In today’s highly digitalized world, we often associate computational problem-solving processes with the use of computers. Yet, solving problems computationally by designing solutions and processing data is not…
…clearly demonstrates that, on average:– Online education is the fastest-growing segment of higher education and its growth is overrepresented in the for-profit sector.– A wide range of audiences…
Studierne inden for tematikken om digitale læringsplatforme og elevers læring peger dog også på en række centrale udfordringer i forhold til at udnytte de potentialer, der er forbundet…
The creation of a standardised market for online publics and its expansion to the long tail of the Web; the quantification of engagement through metrics of clicking and…
Internationalt og i Sverige ser vi en positiv sammenhæng mellem skolelederens vurdering af, at digital ressourcemangel Ingen indflydelse har på undervisningen og elevernes onlinelæsescore. Derimod klarer eleverne i…
Der er stort samfundsmæssigt fokus på de såkaldte STEM uddannelser (Science, Technology, Engineering og Mathematics), og en fortsat udvikling af det digitale samfund sættes ofte lig med fokuserede…
Antallet af likes handler ofte om mere end, hvor mange der egentlig ’synes godt om’ nogen eller noget. Mange likes er et kraftigt signal til algoritmer om, at…
On peut resumer celle-ci en quelques points, qui se retrouvent en filigrane dans la plupart des discours des marchands d’éducation, articulant dogme libéral et neutralisation de toute forme…
From a lecture by Wendell Wallach at the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law (2019): https://vums-web.villanova.edu/Mediasite/Play/398be2773c1b47d29919dbc4a72544ed1d
As I realized that there was a lack of empirical support for The Graphic, I took the opportunity during a conference break to remark to a speechwriter for…
Yet all too often technology initiatives have failed to deliver value for money and, crucially, failed to have a positive impact. We know that not all education settings…
The meaningful question isn’t whether these technologies work as advertised. It’s whether someone believes that they do, and acts on that belief. Adam Greenfield Quoted in Selwyn, N….
Jesper Balslev, lektor ved Københavns Erhvervsakademi, introducerer et eksperiment med en radikaliserende Facebookalgoritme og præsenterer teorier om, hvordan såkaldte dark patterns eller designet manipulation kan skabe negative sociale…
Let’s begin with a deceptively simple fact that has inspired my work on the reading brain over the last decade and move from there: human beings were never…
At this point in our conversation, Melinda’s partner dipped back into the darkened living room in which we were meeting and chimed in with her own summation, based…
Contrary to the expectations of the Italian autonomist theorists—who foresaw the coming of emancipatory futuristic feudalism, with its cognitive workers reclaiming the means of production while watching capitalists…
4. Maj. 2028: Det ambitiøse forskningsprogram “genopLIFE™” – som er internationalt førende indenfor genoplivningsteknologi – er truet efter en nylig rapport udgivet af det digitalt-etiske råd.
Si ces analyses semblent encore pertinentes, c’est parce que le capitalisme des plateformes a abondamment recours à la même vieille ruse qu’utilisaient les propriétaires manufacturiers du siècle passé:…
Det er i dette lys, jeg foreslår, at vi introducerer tre analytiske distinktioner i forhold til evidensdiskursen: En skelnen mellem evidensbaseret og evidensinformeret viden gør det muligt at…
I’m pretty happy to have gotten this website up and running. It has become a cognitive prosthetic of great value to me – first of all because I…
This disregard for ‘passivity’ is, in my view, a philosophical deficiency. In Gerd Biesta’s work, for instance, we find a recent emphasis on passivity. Biesta writes that learning…
Aussi dans: Cardon, D. (2019). Culture Numérique. SciencesPo Les Presses.
Should one have the ambition of scanning learning processes in situ and in actu in a school class for just one hour, it would not be enough to…
Cardon, D. (2019). Culture Numérique. SciencesPo Les Presses.
Goodhart’s law is an adage named after economist Charles Goodhart, which has been phrased by Marilyn Strathern as “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.”[1]One way…
A list compiled by the CITRIS Policy Lab at CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, UC Berkeley.