Category: Politics

Fra børnehave til voksenuddannelse

Teknologiforståelse er en integreret del af alle uddannelser gennem hele livet, helt fra børnehave og til voksenuddannelse. På den måde har vi beredt alle danskere på muligheder og…

Managed against checklists

Children without schools were risks to their own and the world’s future. The power of this knowledge to discursively render children as objects in their communities, assets to…

Computers to generate human capital

This article has identified that the OECD elected to deal with educational technology on account of its predominant styles of reasoning, namely, that the world was increasingly beginning…

Engines of social order

For any sufficiently complex dataset, the idea that ‘the data speak for themselves’ is implausible; developers and analysts select from a wide variety of mathematical and visual methods…

Wrong drivers

I hate to sound like a broken twitter but no other successful country became good through using technology at the front end. Without pedagogy in the driver’s seat…

What’s not to like?

Antallet af likes handler ofte om mere end, hvor mange der egentlig ’synes godt om’ nogen eller noget. Mange likes er et kraftigt signal til algoritmer om, at…

Digital Labor

Digital labor designates value-adding activities performed by humans on Internet platforms. As a field of study, it focuses on circumstances where employer–employee relationships and modes of remuneration are…

Bâtir une école créative et juste dans un monde numérique

Le numérique n’est pas un moyen pour les savants ou les apprenants : il constitue le nouveau milieu mnémotechnique du savoir sous toutes ses formes, au sein duquel…

Knowledge is like light

Weightless and intangible, it can easily travel the world, enlightening the lives of people everywhere. Yet billions of people still live in the darkness of poverty—unnecessarily. Knowledge about…

Selling tech to teachers: education trade shows as policy events

Digital technology is an expanding area of education policy. There is growing interest, therefore, in how networks of corporate and state policy actors implicit in the formation of…

Rådgivningsgruppe for digital læring

En række eksperter i teknologiens muligheder og samfundspåvirkning skal som medlemmer af en ny rådgivningsgruppe sparre med undervisningsminister Merete Riisager om en langsigtet handlingsplan for digital læring. Første…

Evidence of a potential, Ph.D. thesis

Abstract: Along with the popularization of digital technologies in education from the early 1980s, there has been a practice of evaluating the effects of educational technology on educational…

Reticence bordering on fear

Human dignity

The same problem arises in relation to the information society. The ‘information highways’ to which young people and even children will have increasingly easier access, could well find…

Kranzbergs six laws of technology

First Law: “Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral.” Second Law: Invention is the mother of necessity. “Every technical innovation seems to require additional technical advances in order…


What all this makes clear is that, in some significant respects, the evidence-based practice movement is anti-professional: it challenges the claims of professional practitioners – whether doctors, teachers,…

Le prolétariat du clic

Si ces analyses semblent encore pertinentes, c’est parce que le capitalisme des plateformes a abondamment recours à la même vieille ruse qu’utilisaient les propriétaires manufacturiers du siècle passé:…


There is promising evidence that digital tools can, where effectively used, build skills in interactivity and collaboration, critical thinking and leadership for secondary age learners.

Cognitive governance

Cognitive governance, according to Woodward, functions through the agreed values held by member nations and is a distinctive mode of influence of the OECD, as it does not…

Tre analytiske distinktioner

Det er i dette lys, jeg foreslår, at vi introducerer tre analytiske distinktioner i forhold til evidensdiskursen: En skelnen mellem evidensbaseret og evidensinformeret viden gør det muligt at…

Forløbet bobler med potentialer

Forløbet giver kun mening i det digitale mediemiljø og kan kun gennemføres i det digitale mediemiljø. De forskellige former for praksis, angår alle det digitale, og er hertil…

The knowledge we have lost in information

It is important to understand how this refracted the very notion of radical ignorance as a natural state of being for humankind in the later political economy of…

Udbygning af edb-kapacitet, 1983

Siden 1969 har udbygningen af edb-kapacitet for forskning og videregående uddannelse i Danmark fundet sted på grundlag af principper og forslag, der blev fremlagt i betænkning nr. 523…


…curriculum reform programs, including reports, curriculum and pedagogical guidance, manifestoes, pamphlets, articles, and essays, as well as websites, infographics, diagrams, interactive devices, and other multimedia. These ‘inscriptions’ are…


This chapter moves on from where the last left off. Here we look again into the world of multinational edu-business and begin to explore the buying and selling…

Megaprojects paradox

Our basic, and first, proposal is that risk and accountablity should be much more centrally placed in megaproject decision making than is currently the case. We see good…

Philosophical design

Abstract submitted to the “The Grammar of Things” conference in Darmstadt 2017.

Institutionel futurisme

Ledelens hidtidige monopoler på viden og koordlnation forsvinder. IT-instrumenter kan give den almindeIige
medarbejder lige så stor indsigt – hvls ledelsen vel at mærke
drager de organisatoriske konsekvenser af informationssamfundet .

Des nouveaux objets

La “vision” algorithmique ne décrit rien mais fait apparaître des corrélations prédictives – reliant entre eux des données recueillies dans des contextes temporellement hétérogènes. Ces corrélations rendent appréhendable…

Crude criteria

There is thus a strong methodological case for emphasizing the need to assign explicitly evaluative weights to different components of quality of life (or of well-being) and then…

Late lessons from early warnings

There is something profoundly wrong with the way we are living today. There are corrosive pathologies of inequality all around us — be they access to a safe…