Tag: evidence

The EdTech Revolution Has Failed

I’m not saying that digital technologies can’t be used for learning; in fact, if these tools were only ever employed for learning purposes, then they may have proven some of…

Five big myths

Screens in schools haven’t proven to be more effective than traditional methods. Instead, they may be contributing to academic and social-emotional challenges, while displacing the human connection students…

Learning to live both with and without

The report underscores the importance of learning to live both with and without digital technology; to take what is needed from an abundance of information but ignore what…

Found to achieve less

This paper analyses the associations between computer use in schools and at home and test scores by using TIMSS data covering over 900,000 children in fourth grade. When…

Notorisk vanskeligt

Der vises overordnet set små positive effekter af de digitale læremidler (bla. på læsning og skrivning), men der må tages forbehold for, at det generelt er notorisk vanskeligt…

Modstand mod at komme i gang

Der er hos en del lærere en stor modstand mod at komme i gang, og det er et praktisk problem, at der er en så markant forskellighed i…

Emperor’s new clothes

Our core message is that when we look at both the past and present, the technology has been a great deal like the emperor’s new clothes—while the gadgetry…

Betydeligt fald

Overordnet set finder undersøgelsen et ganske betydeligt statistisk signifikant fald i dygtigheden blandt danske 4.-klasseelever i matematik fra 2015 til 2019. Mens de danske elever i 2019 i…

Our review of the evidence

…clearly demonstrates that, on average:– Online education is the fastest-growing segment of higher education and its growth is overrepresented in the for-profit sector.– A wide range of audiences…

Digitale læremidlers rolle i folkeskolereformen

It har et stort potentiale i forhold til mange af de proces- og strukturelementer, der kendetegner god undervisning og samarbejde herom, fx portefølje,videndeling, målstyring, evaluering og en tydelig…

Lagging behind the promise

This analysis shows that the reality in our schools lags considerably behind the promise of technology. In 2012, 96% of 15-year-old students in OECD countries reported that they…

Assessing the effects of ICT in education

Despite the fact that education systems have been heavily investing in technology since the early 1980s, international indicators on technology uptake and use in education are missing. This…

Promissory data

As I realized that there was a lack of empirical support for The Graphic, I took the opportunity during a conference break to remark to a speechwriter for…

Anvendelse af digitale læremidler effektmåling

Det skal her nævnes, at der særligt er tre vigtige forbehold, som analysens resultater skal ses i lyset af: 1: Der måles på oplevet effekt, ikke reel effekt….

Delrapport 1 (EMU)

Lærerne oplevede især, at platformen medførte en standardiseret tilgang til undervisning, fordi den var designet ud fra best practice-eksempler. Snarere end at understøtte professionel frihed og dømmekraft oplevede…

The emperor’s new clothes

The purpose of this paper is to add to the growing volume of work which adopts critical stance towards the new media afforded by ICTs. In particular we…

Media literacy or media addiction?

As more and more new technologies get introduced into educational institutions at an earlier age, today’s research efforts indeed fail to meet a number of sound research criteria:…

Critical reflections on the benefits of ICT in education

While there are many reasons to remain optimistic about new initiatives to transform the learning process, it must be acknowledged that, first, traditional exam results and, indeed, possession…

A Resource for Future Pedagogies

This review shows that much of the literature supports the use of the IWBs, but does so on very flimsy evidence. The more rigorous studies that have been…

Evidence of a potential, Ph.D. thesis

Abstract: Along with the popularization of digital technologies in education from the early 1980s, there has been a practice of evaluating the effects of educational technology on educational…

Novel and controversial proposals

One of the most fascinating yet elusive aspects of cultural change is the way certain ideals and arguments acquire an almost self-evident power at particular periods, just as…


What all this makes clear is that, in some significant respects, the evidence-based practice movement is anti-professional: it challenges the claims of professional practitioners – whether doctors, teachers,…

Real life survey

More importantly still, the deeper issue of the actual feasibility of representing ‘real life’ problems in a survey format whilst retaining and not modifying the essential problem-setting characteristics…

Tre analytiske distinktioner

Det er i dette lys, jeg foreslår, at vi introducerer tre analytiske distinktioner i forhold til evidensdiskursen: En skelnen mellem evidensbaseret og evidensinformeret viden gør det muligt at…

World class

While the discourse of myth is about the denial or destruction of the past, the discourse of meaninglessness is about the ultimate in collateral damage: the destruction of…

Impact on learning

Yet achieving any degree of confidence or certainty over a discernable ‘cause-and-effect’ relationship between technology and learning is nigh on impossible. Put simply, it has proved tremendously difficult…