Category: Technology
Their practice is very Silicon Valley–like. They preach data transparency but have none themselves,” says Jesper Balslev, a research consultant at the Copenhagen School of Design and Technology,…
This paper will explore some of the pressing issues regarding children’s use of technology. For example, do outcomes depend on the quality of media consumed, or is all…
School loneliness increased 2012–2018 in 36 out of 37 countries. Worldwide, nearly twice as many adolescents in 2018 (vs. 2012) had elevated levels of school loneliness. Increases in…
Begrebet “singularitet” er i sig selv en lidt mystisk størrelse: Det har sine rødder i matematik og astronomi og bruges kort sagt til at beskrive tilstande, der ikke…
Article out: The Digital Potential: A Monstrous Composite? – with Søren Riis (p. 128). For 30 years or more, national governments worldwide have invested substantial funds in digital,…
For any sufficiently complex dataset, the idea that ‘the data speak for themselves’ is implausible; developers and analysts select from a wide variety of mathematical and visual methods…
My primary objective is to provide a more convincing base from which such discussions could be better pursued. However, it is clear that the dramatic skills shifts I…
The creation of a standardised market for online publics and its expansion to the long tail of the Web; the quantification of engagement through metrics of clicking and…
Regardless of the lack of a term for phronesis in our modern vocabulary, the principal objective for social research with a phronetic approach is to perform analyses and…
Lærerne må håndtere mangfoldigheden af teksttyper i deres undervisning, hvilket gør det vanskeligt at forberede sig på en måde, hvor man kan have fuldt kontrol over stoffet. Dette…
Internationalt og i Sverige ser vi en positiv sammenhæng mellem skolelederens vurdering af, at digital ressourcemangel Ingen indflydelse har på undervisningen og elevernes onlinelæsescore. Derimod klarer eleverne i…
I hate to sound like a broken twitter but no other successful country became good through using technology at the front end. Without pedagogy in the driver’s seat…
Nye teknologier deler en række grundlæggende fællestræk med teknologi, der ikke fungerer. […] Ved nærmere eftertanke indser man dog let, at selve potentialet for en teknologi kan være…
We believe that societies must protect, cherish and nurture humans’ attentional capabilities. This does not mean giving up searching for improvements: that shall always be useful. Rather, we…
Antallet af likes handler ofte om mere end, hvor mange der egentlig ’synes godt om’ nogen eller noget. Mange likes er et kraftigt signal til algoritmer om, at…
Phenomenology has become a viable approach to conducting qualitative research in education. Established and popular methods include descriptive and hermeneutic phenomenology. Based on critiques of the essentialism and…
Enter information and communication technologies: compact discs and CD-ROMs, videodiscs, microcomputer-based laboratories, the Internet, virtual reality, local and wide area networks, instructional software, Macs, PCs, laptops, notebooks, educational…
From a lecture by Wendell Wallach at the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law (2019):
Tracing back growth to a single, new technology suffers from severe measurement problems The limited number of observations relative to the seemingly open-ended list of other potential growth…
Weightless and intangible, it can easily travel the world, enlightening the lives of people everywhere. Yet billions of people still live in the darkness of poverty—unnecessarily. Knowledge about…
A friend made me aware of these two articles that try to explain reasons for the very special, and peculiar fatigue one can feel after video-conferencing. A Theory…
What are teachers worried about in students? • 84% believe that digital technologies are a growing distraction in the learning environment. More than nine of ten educators think…
The meaningful question isn’t whether these technologies work as advertised. It’s whether someone believes that they do, and acts on that belief. Adam Greenfield Quoted in Selwyn, N….
What this eclectic selection of passages essentially conveys is a conceptualization of reflection as a mode of thought that entails mulling over ideas that have no necessary connection…
Les Weblogs, Jesper Balslev & Jens Winther. Compétences Micro (2004)
Recalling key tenets of theoretical debates about the term, I traced a gradual expansion of the concept’s range of address from reading and writing skills via communication in…
Silicon Valley is famous for ‘disrupting’ business models and whole industries through innovative technology: this language – of technological disruption – is also a coded way of saying…
Let’s begin with a deceptively simple fact that has inspired my work on the reading brain over the last decade and move from there: human beings were never…
Opdatering: Dorte Ågård har gjort det her. Debatten om børn og iPads raser. For at prøve at forstå den, har jeg lavet oversigten nedenfor. Den er ufuldstændig, men…
First Law: “Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral.” Second Law: Invention is the mother of necessity. “Every technical innovation seems to require additional technical advances in order…
At this point in our conversation, Melinda’s partner dipped back into the darkened living room in which we were meeting and chimed in with her own summation, based…
Contrary to the expectations of the Italian autonomist theorists—who foresaw the coming of emancipatory futuristic feudalism, with its cognitive workers reclaiming the means of production while watching capitalists…
L’incidence de ces transformations technologiques sur le savoir semble être considérable. Il s’en trouve ou s’en trouvera affecté dans ses deux principales fonctions: la recherche et la transmission…
En ce sens, le système se présente comme la machine avant-gardiste qui tire l’humanité après elle, en la déshumanisant pour la réhumaniser à un autre niveau de capacité…
Si ces analyses semblent encore pertinentes, c’est parce que le capitalisme des plateformes a abondamment recours à la même vieille ruse qu’utilisaient les propriétaires manufacturiers du siècle passé:…
A spreadsheet organizes and displays data items. there is no inherent reason that these should be aligned on a grid. A database doesn’t employ a grid, nor does…
It is important to understand how this refracted the very notion of radical ignorance as a natural state of being for humankind in the later political economy of…
Four central themes of the broader project of which this article is a part are: – when does technology (automated systems) replace or diminish our humanity?– can we…
L’éducation, l’instruction n’ont plus aucune “gratuité”, doivent servir efficacement. Et toutes les critiques dirigées envers l’enseignement tournent toujours autour de ceci: “On apprend des quantités de choses inutiles….
I undertake what the philosopher of technology Don Ihde has alternately called a “phenomenology of human-technology” and “materialist phenomenology”. Such an approach avoids the tendency of strict materialism…
Our basic, and first, proposal is that risk and accountablity should be much more centrally placed in megaproject decision making than is currently the case. We see good…
Utopias consider a given situation in the light of possible alternatives; as a result, observed reality first is subjected to an explicit or implicit critique and secondly depicted…
The protean character of volition is implicit in many philosophies of technology. Technologies have been associated with diverse types of will, drive, motivation, aspiration, intention, and choice. For…
In this article I have suggested that the grammatical ambiguity and logical fallacies entailed in the concept of technology are linked with a fetishistic perception of modern artefacts….
From desktop computers to laptops to digital assistants, not to mention bank teller machines, microwave ovens, cellular telephones, and ticket machines, we encounter computers in all aspects of…
Som filosofisk antropologi er singularismen et eksempel på samme antihumanisme som stod stærkt i det 20. århundrede. Det er marxismens og Homo Fabers ide om mennesket som produkt…
Perhaps modern science has succeeded to well. It has become difficult for us to recognize that much of our being does not have a cognitive and representational aspect….
There is thus a strong methodological case for emphasizing the need to assign explicitly evaluative weights to different components of quality of life (or of well-being) and then…
Computational thinking has triumphed because it has first seduced us with its power, then befuddled us with its complexity, and finally settled into our cortexes as self-evident. Its…
There is something profoundly wrong with the way we are living today. There are corrosive pathologies of inequality all around us — be they access to a safe…
While necessary to raising the profile and attract allies, disappointments are also likely because of the specific structure of the expectations. Early technological expectations are in many cases…
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La mémoire de la machine triomphe dans la multitude et dans le désordre; la mémoire humaine triomphe dans l’unité des formes et dans l’ordre. Gilbert simondon Simondon, G….