Category: Quote
The educational policy and educational science discourse on teaching, learning, and digitization is largely dominated by media education, IT (learning media) development, and quantitatively oriented empirical educational research….
For any sufficiently complex dataset, the idea that ‘the data speak for themselves’ is implausible; developers and analysts select from a wide variety of mathematical and visual methods…
What all this makes clear is that, in some significant respects, the evidence-based practice movement is anti-professional: it challenges the claims of professional practitioners – whether doctors, teachers,…
Si ces analyses semblent encore pertinentes, c’est parce que le capitalisme des plateformes a abondamment recours à la même vieille ruse qu’utilisaient les propriétaires manufacturiers du siècle passé:…
It is important to understand how this refracted the very notion of radical ignorance as a natural state of being for humankind in the later political economy of…
Science is no more immune to conceptual error and confusion than any other forms of intellectual endeavour. The history of science is littered with the debris of theories…
(3) Målet må altid udløse aktiviteter. Begrebet ‘mål i sigte‘ er suggestivt, fordi det præsenterer bevidstheden for afslutningen eller konklusionen på en proces. Den eneste måde, hvorpå vi…
Siden 1969 har udbygningen af edb-kapacitet for forskning og videregående uddannelse i Danmark fundet sted på grundlag af principper og forslag, der blev fremlagt i betænkning nr. 523…
By taking this meta-view of the entire history, we can see that what promotes the development of intellectual thought in human history is not the first alphabet or…
L’éducation, l’instruction n’ont plus aucune “gratuité”, doivent servir efficacement. Et toutes les critiques dirigées envers l’enseignement tournent toujours autour de ceci: “On apprend des quantités de choses inutiles….
Plus rien n’est signe, tout est signal. Plus rien n’est chose, tout est état. Plus rien n’est esprit, tout est communication. Par moments, quand la vie n’est pas…
…curriculum reform programs, including reports, curriculum and pedagogical guidance, manifestoes, pamphlets, articles, and essays, as well as websites, infographics, diagrams, interactive devices, and other multimedia. These ‘inscriptions’ are…
Counterserendipity Hyperfocus Self-amplifying cascades Skill erosion Perverse feedback Date deluge Monoculture Tenner, E. (2018). The Efficiency Paradox. Alfred A. Knopf
Distribution costs include the need to constantly post new content, since the volume of new content is a large factor for stickiness. Distribution costs include site design, and…
I undertake what the philosopher of technology Don Ihde has alternately called a “phenomenology of human-technology” and “materialist phenomenology”. Such an approach avoids the tendency of strict materialism…
The fragmentation and acceleration of the flow of info-stimulation, the multitasking effect and the competitive pressure that is tied to the ability to follow the rhythm of the…
Les textes littéraires sont donc des déclencheurs de rêves éveillés, qui permettent de faire un retour sur, de prolonger, d’accompagner ou de préparer l’action. Loin d’être une activité…
Thus a crucial difficulty in anticipating futures lies in long-term shifts in structures of feeling, of thought as felt and feeling as thought. So when I argue for…
Our basic, and first, proposal is that risk and accountablity should be much more centrally placed in megaproject decision making than is currently the case. We see good…
Baumol’s Cost Disease is the inevitable escalation of the real costs that occur in labour-intensive industries like the arts, health care and education. The labour costs in these…
One way of approaching this might be in terms of the relationships between trust in the future and different actors’ proximity to the actual scientific work. In other…
Even though every innovation is judged on economic grounds, at least to some degree, by its potential adopters, every innovation also has at least some degree of status…
To understand the development of knowledge we must start with an idea which seems central to me – the idea of an operation. Knowledge is not a copy…
While the discourse of myth is about the denial or destruction of the past, the discourse of meaninglessness is about the ultimate in collateral damage: the destruction of…
This disregard for ‘passivity’ is, in my view, a philosophical deficiency. In Gerd Biesta’s work, for instance, we find a recent emphasis on passivity. Biesta writes that learning…
Utopias consider a given situation in the light of possible alternatives; as a result, observed reality first is subjected to an explicit or implicit critique and secondly depicted…
Thus one must quite systematically inquire back into those things taken for granted which, not only for Kant but for all philosophers, all scientists, make up an unspoken…
The protean character of volition is implicit in many philosophies of technology. Technologies have been associated with diverse types of will, drive, motivation, aspiration, intention, and choice. For…
Ledelens hidtidige monopoler på viden og koordlnation forsvinder. IT-instrumenter kan give den almindeIige
medarbejder lige så stor indsigt – hvls ledelsen vel at mærke
drager de organisatoriske konsekvenser af informationssamfundet .
I’d like to think that computers are neutral, a tool like any other, a hammer that can build a house or smash a skull. But there is something…
La “vision” algorithmique ne décrit rien mais fait apparaître des corrélations prédictives – reliant entre eux des données recueillies dans des contextes temporellement hétérogènes. Ces corrélations rendent appréhendable…
It is the achievement of phenomenology to have shown how subtly and variedly our consciousness in fact works, and how primitive and crude are the concepts by which…
Med udbredelsen af globale sammenligninger af de nationale skole- og uddannelsespræstationer i regi af transnationale organisationer som OECD, UNESCO, IEA og EU er der opstået en art pædagogisk…
Phenomenology endorses a this-worldly conception of objectivity and reality and seeks to overcome the scepticism that argues that the way the world appears to us is compatible with…
Hvad angår den frie kultivering af sindets kræfter, må det bemærkes, at den hele tiden står på. Den bør egentlig rette sig mod de højere kræfter. De lavere…
Kaufman, J. C., Beghetto, R. A., Baer, J., & Ivcevic, Z. (2010). Creativity polymathy: What Benjamin Franklin can teach your kindergartener. Learning and Individual Differences, 20(4), 380–387.
From desktop computers to laptops to digital assistants, not to mention bank teller machines, microwave ovens, cellular telephones, and ticket machines, we encounter computers in all aspects of…
Som filosofisk antropologi er singularismen et eksempel på samme antihumanisme som stod stærkt i det 20. århundrede. Det er marxismens og Homo Fabers ide om mennesket som produkt…
One of the strangest projects of privatization and commodification in the early twentieth-first century has been the movement to commoditize scholarship. Two versions have been surprisingly powerful. In…
Perhaps modern science has succeeded to well. It has become difficult for us to recognize that much of our being does not have a cognitive and representational aspect….
There is thus a strong methodological case for emphasizing the need to assign explicitly evaluative weights to different components of quality of life (or of well-being) and then…
Well, of course I am not my brain – for my brain is certainly not married, not a psychiatrist, and it has no children. Even worse, it does…
We are right to assert that the formation of each identity is a kind of resilience, in other words, a kind of contradictory construction, a synthesis of memory…
Man is so complicated a machine that it is impossible to get a clear idea of the machine beforehand, and hence impossible to define it. For this reason,…
The implications from these findings suggest that we should not expect large positive (or negative) impacts from ICT investments in schools or computers at home. Schools should not…
Reason is a great naturalizer, and public reason naturalizes much that seems arbitrary in politics. Once we are persuaded of the reasonableness of an argument or action, it…
Based on the combination of these models with data analytics and machine learning processes, Pearson’s proposed vision of AIed includes the development of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) which…
Computational thinking has triumphed because it has first seduced us with its power, then befuddled us with its complexity, and finally settled into our cortexes as self-evident. Its…
…this paper seeks to identify the core contributions to the literature on innovation, as well as the users of this literature (as reflected in citations in scholarly journals),…
In a range of texts—popular, scientific, anthropological—potentiality is used to denote very different things but tends to be employed with such straightforwardness that one hardly notices slippages in…
While necessary to raising the profile and attract allies, disappointments are also likely because of the specific structure of the expectations. Early technological expectations are in many cases…
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Lone Dybkjær efterlyser en teknologikritik som grundlag for regeringens kommende IT-politik. Nærmere betegnet i form af kritiske indlæg til Dybkjær-rapport nummer to, kaldet ‘Det Digitale Danmark’. Lone Dybkjær…
Man taler tit om, hvordan nutidens smartphones er millioner af gange kraftigere end de computere der blev brugt på Apollo 11-missionen og dens månelanding. For nogen er det beviset på hvor meget fremskridt vi har gjort de seneste 48 år. Men det kan også tolkes som et vidnesbyrd om hvor lidt computerkraft der egentlig er brug for, for at nå vores højeste mål.
Incapable of renewal or overcoming, the stupid subject has low oedipal energy: he has held onto the ideas, the relics and dogmas transmitted in his youth by his…
Dannelsens første moment bliver i de grundlæggende tekster defineret ved følgende begreber: selvbestemmelse, frihed, emancipation, autonomi, myndighed, fornuft, selvvirksomhed. Dannelse forstås altså som evne til fornuftig selvbestemmelse, der…
Yet achieving any degree of confidence or certainty over a discernable ‘cause-and-effect’ relationship between technology and learning is nigh on impossible. Put simply, it has proved tremendously difficult…
Rosa, H. (2010). Accelération. La découverte.
La mémoire de la machine triomphe dans la multitude et dans le désordre; la mémoire humaine triomphe dans l’unité des formes et dans l’ordre. Gilbert simondon Simondon, G….
We ask, instead, why there is such startling homogeneity of organizational forms and practices; and we seek to explain homogeneity, not variation. In the initial stages of their…
“The best model of the world is the world itself.” rodney Brooks (quoted by hubert l. dreyfus) Dreyfus, H. L. (2013). Why Heideggerian AI Failed and How Fixing…
Should one have the ambition of scanning learning processes in situ and in actu in a school class for just one hour, it would not be enough to…
…whether it 1. Promotes justice2. Restores reciprocity3. Confers divisible or indivisible benefits4. Favours people over machines5. Whether its strategy maximises gains or minimises disaster6. Whether conservation is favoured…
Critiquer signifie en premier lieu distinguer, faire voire des différences dans ce qui se présente, pris à sa valeur faciale comme amalgamé, obscur ou non maîtrisable. Luc boltanski…
One curiosity about a cycle of disruptive fixation is that many of the people who take part in it manage to repair and maintain their idealism, at least…
To survive in the modern world, men and women must become diviners of inscrutable others, interpret the moods of secretaries of deans and CEOs, and shake-ups in the…
The creative person is one who succeeds in displacing the quest for the forbidden knowledge into permissible curiosity. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1996). Creativity (1st ed.). Harper Perennial.
When I was working as a computer scientist, I was sometimes astonished by how fast we have been moving, especially when you listened to the grant rhetorics of…
On the one hand we encounter the idea that technological development goes forward virtually of it’s own inertia, resists any limitation, and has the character of a self-propelling,…
I used to think that technology could help education. I’ve probably spearheaded giving away more computer equipment to schools than anybody else on the planet. But I’ve had…